2013. június 17., hétfő

How to use Ameba: Pigg

This post will be about the game called pigg or pigu [ピグ]. As in my previous entry I mentioned you can create your own pigg if you click on this big pink button or if you let it to later there will be a button where the arrow shows on the 1st pic. (I will show to you how to use pigg on 2 ameba account, 1 is I already have since I use ameba (3 years) and one I registered now to help you all.)

Then your browser opens a new window and you will see a pic like here below and you need to accept it with the pink button, after you took a sign into the cube.

After that you are able to start to customize your own pigu character.

These steps you will do. 1st you will choose a gender to your character (is it okay if it isn't your own gender, but better if it is). In the next step you can choose from ready characters or if you don't like them click on the white button on the top and you can customize your character as you want. If you selected everything for her/him then click on the pink button and you need to choose a room for yourself - if you like all of them then choose one whatever which, because you will have all of them in the game after. Then you need to make it sure with the pink button again - the orange button takes you to the entry writing platform to share it in your blog. When you are ready with these things you can start the game, but before you would do it on your own anything, a teaching game coming. It shows you how to travel between the rooms, how to proop somebody etc. When the teaching game is finished - which is very slow - you will get a gift.  

5 token you will get. It's a kind of money in the game. There is 3 kind of money. Token, ame and ameG or ameGold. The ame looks like candies in the black line, and how many token and ameG you have you can check it in the shop. With ame you aren't able to buy everything, there are several of things you can buy, and also can spend for the daily scratch card. You can get more token if you use the daily scratch card everyday, in every card there's a token or 2, but usually just one. You are able to buy more things than with ame, but still not everything. About ameG this is the money in the game which by you are able to buy anything you want, BUT you have to pay for it. There are 2 ways to get ameG 1. at the daily game you are get 1 or 0 a day - it's a very long saving, or 2. buy it, BUT it works with japanese webmoney, which is only able from japanese phones and domains like docomo, softbank, etc. If you really want to buy it I can tell you an other way to have. There's a site called SuToCorp where you can register too and buy japanese webmoney. Let's move on. 

As the picture shows on the top in the black line you can change your character appearances, under that you can check who visited your home today, who gave you proop or guppigu - you get ame for the guppigus you get but just until 20 guppigu/day - next to the guppigu you will see how many ame you have and there's a little card in the end, it consist quests which you can do and if you finish you get more ame for it. Below these buttons you will see the updates, and on the left side of the screen you will see the actual quests in pigg and other parts of the game. on the left side of the room you will see 4 arrows. This arrows opens a new tab to the other parts of the game such as pigg life, pigg island, pigg coffee and pigg world. They work like pigg just there's always quest you can do for gifts. On the bottom of the left side you will find the chat and the action buttons. Basically you have 5 actions the others you need to buy, but most of the actions can be bought by token. Move to the right side of the bottom.

You will see this buttons. But as I saw in the teaching game when I registered my new character I don't need to talk about it, coz it shows everything almost. I will talk about friends, clothes, shop and pocket from these things.

If you click on friends you will get the window on the right side of the picture. Here you can see all of your friends, who is online and who is offline. You can enter as invisible - it shows you to offline - too. (I have a bad news for those who wants pigg because they wanna talk with their favorite j-rocker, j-poper, artist or whatever... they don't use pigg often and if they use you won't see them, because they won't accept your friend request, or you can't send a friend request either to them, or they enter to pigg as invisible. Pigg was popular between them 2 years ago, but they disappeared from pigg - I heared because there were some rude girls who always disturbed them as they entered they appeared in their room and started to insult them...) On the second tab of the friends window you are able to check to who you have sent a friend request and who did to you, and there will be a pink button too, you can accept the friend requests with it. The next tab is the search part, you can search people on pigg with their name - but it's hard because there are a lot of people with the same name, you can search for them with their ID, and find there your a-members and the people you who you follow in now. And in the other window you can see your clothes and staffs you collected or bought. You can get clothes on daily scratch card, you can buy it for token and ameG. Sometimes you can win it on gacha. There are a lot of tabs in this window, the first shows the picese you recently get, the 2nd the t-shirts and dresses, 3rd the trousers, 4th shoes, 5th accessories, 6th accessories too but like guitar, plush or like this, and the last one is the hats. You can take staff on your pigg until the end of the rose line.  

Pocket, here you have all of the foods you bought, foods for piggs and pets, and make up staff.

Now comes the shop, as you see you can select from many options depends on what you want to buy. Most of the things can be bought here by ameG unfortunately. But don't worry you can buy a lot of things by token too. (⌒▽⌒)☆ On the bottom of the window you can see how many ameG and how many token you have. But how will you know what you can buy with token and what with ameg? It's easy: 

What you can buy with ameG there will be a red line up to the pink button. Like in the picture where my pigg is in red dress, and where she is in yellow dress, on that pic shows what you can buy with token, and up the the pink button there will be a green line. 

Very interesting part of the shop is gacha [ガチャ]. I like it the most. But unfortunately most of them works with ameG too, but sometimes there are some gacha where the first play is free. There is a blue line with writing which is free for the 1st game. 

These 3 is always free for new users, but unfortunately there is no more free now. It's kind of luck game, will you get the piece of staff you want or something totally different?

How you can visit other piggs? If they are your friends click on them in the friend list and you will get this little window then click on the house button and you will be in their house. Ring the bell [きたよ] and they will get ame and they will see you have been there. You can ring the bell inside the house and outside too. Some months ago all the pigg users got the chance to have a garden part of their house. Btw if they are not your friends but gave you guppigu you can do the same in the guppigu list or in the rooms you are outside. 

This is the garden of my pigg. Here you can choose also from 3 types of house and buy with ameG more in the shop. 

My friends 1st question when they enter my pigg room how they can also have a pet. Well this has more case, but one of them is the ameG - as everything - you can buy with ameG dogs, cats, rabbits, raccoon and very rare there the panda mainly the golden panda. If you enter a room where you can buy this kind of pets always sitting at least 2 people who waits for the rare pets. Where are these rooms? In this way you can reach them: 

As you can see as I mentioned there are few people and I clicked on raccoon to show you it's expensive with ameG too. 

Other pets you will see are the penguins and tigers. You need to play a lot to have them. If you want a penguin you need to fishing very much ... I didn't mean hours or days, I mean weeks... That's why I don't have any penguin. If you want a tiger you need to play a lot in casino. It's also very hard to get. You have to be black carded, which means you need to play 10.000.000 casino$ in a month. It was a bit easier before when were Black Jack events but now just slot events always as I saw. So it became to impossible I think. (Personally I played 2 weeks for my black tiger all day and night in events). But if somebody has that much casino-money and black card to buy in this way can reach your destination.

This is for first run to it what I got to my mind about pigg and should be important.

And this is what I done with my new character and her room. Oh btw when you register in the first day you can use the scratch card any time you want, but it cost to 20 ame. 

And now my old character saying goodbye to you all my dears. 

空、晩and桃。(Sora - my caracter, night - pink dog and peach - blue dog) (⌒▽⌒)☆

If you don't understand something well, or you have a question about something leave me a comment. I hope I helped to you to understand how pigg works. (⌒▽⌒)☆

Ps.: If there will be a request I will write about fishing, how to play in the casino, pigg life, island, coffee and world.

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